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Jefferson Cafeteria
Jefferson Cafeteria

Cafeteria doors open each morning at 7:45 AM for a great breakfast. 

Jefferson Playground
Jefferson Pre-K Playground
Jefferson Playground
Jefferson Primary Playground
Jefferson Jets
Jefferson Jets

Home of the Jets!

Jefferson Sign
Jefferson Marquee

Our Marquee has been replaced and we are excited about the new technology.

Raisin Day Parade 2023

The 6th grade team proudly represented the Jefferson Jets.

Jefferson Marquee

Jefferson has a brand new marquee that shares our latest updates and schedules.

Jefferson Jets

Jefferson Jets proudly walk in the Raisin Day Parade. 

Unity Day

Jefferson Elementary celebrated Unity day with an all school balloon realease. October is National Bullying Prevention Month,and Unity day helps bring awareness to our school. 


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Clever student login.

Clever login for student resources.

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Jefferson Elementary uses ClassDojo as a form of communication and outreach with our families. Please follow our school to keep up with the latest updates and information. 


The DUSD cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar.

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News & Announcements

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By The Numbers


Over 6600 students enrolled throughout DUSD


33% of DUSD students are English Learners


DUSD employs 272 full-time teachers


DUSD is comprised of 11 schools across 9 campuses